Subject: MSR The Outdoor Girls At Wild Ro Author: Laura Lee Hope Uploaded By: HOST Comp Joots Date: 11/29/2002 File: The Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge.lit (209607 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 4 Equipment: Windows computer or Pocket PC Needs: MS Reader Keywords: The Outdoor Girls At Wild Rose Lodge or The Hermit of Moonlight Falls, Laura Lee Hope, Girls Fiction CHAPTER I JUST FUN "DID you ever see a more wonderful day?" The four Outdoor Girls, in Mollie Billette's touring car and with Mollie herself at the wheel, were at the present moment rushing wildly over a dusty country road at the rate of thirty miles an hour. Grace Ford was sitting in front with Mollie, while Betty Nelson and Amy Blackford "sprawled," to use Mollie's sarcastic and slightly exaggerated description, "all over the tonneau." "You look as if you had never done a real day's work in your life," said Mollie, with a disapproving glance over her shoulder at the girls in the tonneau. "We never have," returned quiet Amy, with a grin. "And we are proud of it," added Betty, as she defiantly settled her feet still more comfortably on the foot rail. "Why should we be energetic when it is so much easier to be lazy?" "There the proper spirit speaks," applauded Grace Ford from the front. "I think I shall have to change places with you, Betty. It's far too exciting up here with Mollie. She insists upon staging near collisions every few feet--thus keeping me awake!"